NEW: INTIMATE SEMINAR SERIES, every two moths, starting 10th of March 2022

To strengthen the INTIMATE network and to build a broader forum to discuss Quaternary changes, an online seminar will be held roughly every two months, on Thursdays at 11:00 am CET, with two short 20-minutes talks and a joint 20-minutes discussion. The first seminar will be focused on ice cores (March 10), the second on marine records (April 28) and the third on terrestrial records (June 23). During the seminars, the first talk will provide a general overview of the topic, while the second talk will showcase specific issues in more detail.  To know more read in Events section.

Hereby we would like to invite you to the first (virtual) seminar on ice core records, featuring two invited speakers: associate professor Dr. Sune Rasmussen and Dr. Eliza Cook, both from the Niels Bohr Institute at the University of Copenhagen. The objective of INTIMATE is to facilitate the reconstruction of Quaternary climate changes, by INTegrating Ice core, MArine and TErrestrial paleoclimate records.  The upcoming ice core session will take place on: March 10, 2022 at 11:00 am CET.  You can subscribe for the virtual ice core seminar through the following link: